Ways to live a stress free life by doing yoga
WAYS TO LIVE A STRESS-FREE LIFE BY DOING YOGA😊 In today's world stress is very common to every person. Many people commit suicide because they are not able to handle their stress. People thought money is the only thing which can make them happy, but the fact is money can never lead to a happy life. Understanding our own mind and control our emotions can only result in leading a happy life. This can be done only by Yoga. Yoga teaches us breathing techniques which can reduce our stress. We even don't know the most important thing in this life is our breath without which we cannot live. How many times in a day we focus on our breath? I think no one even focuses on it. How strange it sounds we don't even observe the thing which is most important for living. If we cannot give 10 minutes to relax our mind then what is the benefit of our living. We should give time to ourselves for a happy & stress-free life. Following yoga can be performed for a stress-free life:- Deep Brea...